Hebel Block

hebel block houseGermany’s ultra light-weight, insulating structural building blocks now available in the USA. Used throughout Europe and Asia for over 65 years, Aerated concrete currently represents over 70% of all construction in Japan and over 30% of Western Europe and the Pacific Rim. It provides an excellent “outsulated”, non-conductive masonry building shell without the massive weight, low energy efficiency or environmental degradation of conventional construction.


  • NON-TOXIC (85% air, & 5% white concrete, 5% lime and 5% sand)
  • LIGHTWEIGHT (about 1/5 the weight of standard poured in place concrete)
  • STRUCTURAL LOAD BEARING (low-rise structures require no reinforcement)
  • FIRE, ROT AND BUG RESISTANT (4hr firewall, mildew and termite proof)
  • BREATHABLE (micro inhaling & exhaling prevents mold, moisture & toxic buildup)
  • ENERGY EFFICIENT (8″ block outperforms framed 2×10, R-30 stud wall)
  • ACOUSTICAL (over 3 times the sound deadening of a conventional 6″ stud wall)
  • THERMAL MASS (~3-4 hours of heat or cool retention vs. 10 minutes for ½” sheetrock)
  • AFFORDABLE (Complete installed cost can be less than 6″ stud wall) (average installed cost about $7.00/sf of wall area)
  • SIZE AVAILABILITY (from 4″ to 18″ wide, up to 40″ high & up to 20′ long) (typical block sizes are 8″x8″x24″ & 8″x12″x16″, etc.)